General group!forum/vbscost
Working group 1: Theoretical understanding
- TWiki page
- Group page
- Contact email
- CERN Indico
- Detailed description of the VBS signal and relative backgrounds in the SM caseas well as EFT modelling of BSM effects.
- Coordination of NLO QCD and EWK SM calculations
- EFT definition, and NLO QCD and EWK EFT calculations
- VBS signal definition
Working group 2: Analysis techniques
- TWiki page
- Group page
- Contact email
- CERN Indico
- Definition of data analysis protocols and agreements to maximise the significance of VBS analyses at hadron colliders, fostering the communication between theory and experiments.
- Determination of the best observable quantities for VBS data analysis
- Implementation of advanced data mining techniques in the signal characterisation
- Experimental results publication and combination guidelines
Working group 3: Experimental techniques
- TWiki page
- Group page
- Contact email
- CERN Indico
- The WG3 hosts discussions regarding experimental techniques and physics object reconstruction that is relevant for VBS signature. Both current LHC and future accelerators are covered, in particulare HL-LHC. The group discuss both the current status of reconstruction techniques, based on public experimental results, and the possible new techniques with the aid generator level studies and simplified simulations.
Working group 4: Knowledge exchange and cross activities
- TWiki page
- Group page
- Contact email
- CERN Indico
- human resources and experience
- spreading the VBS community with new ideas and unconventional thinking
- Organisation of the internal events
- STSM coordination
Working group 5: Inclusiveness policies
- TWiki page
- Group page
- Contact email
- CERN Indico
- Full inclusion of researchers that, for geographical or sociological reasons, might need specific policies to get on the same footing as the rest of the community.
- ECI promotion through STSM and as managers of the Action counteract gender imbalances, also promoting women in manager positions support members of COST ITC through STSM and organisation of events there.